
This is part of the collection of Different glass and Ceramic fragments I have found  on my journey. I’m drawn to these incomplete pieces because I think of the story behind them and how they’ve been left there and how they came to be fragments. I have began to collect them and cleaning them to reveal the colour and pattern, I would like to use them somehow in my work, possibly. I have began my drawing them roughly, before creating the book documenting the objects and things I’ve found.

Sophie Calle

The work of Sophie Calle, a french photographer interests me because of the almost documentary style she has. I am drawn to her work because she focuses on social narratives and documents journeys, which is linked to my own work, The simplicity of her work is something I also like because it doesn’t take away from the narratives. I have began  to collect photographic evidence of the journeys and the things I encounter on them in my own work so I would like to continue to do so creating a photographic journal of my most frequent journeys like going to University.

Response to the Environment and my found Objects

After reading into Psychogeography it became clear that I wanted to focus on the narrative of the objects found and heavily concentration on documenting every detail of the objects. I found that some of the objects and places triggered an emotional response more than others. one scene that I kept coming back to was a homeless persons home set up with various blankets and sleeping bags and some books. I kept visiting to see if thing would move or if I was ever going to see who lived there but the person had moved on before I got the chance. My feelings while walking round the various personal objects was quite uneasy and I felt anxious like I was invading someones privacy. This interests me because out of only a few blankets the homeless person had created a space which was theirs a space which I felt rude to be in.The photographs above are just a selection of the objects that trigger some kind of personal response, one in particular image I found distressing is smashed glass and seeing it on the floor alarms and panics me and makes me think of the story behind the smashed glass also.

Mike Nelson

This is the work of Mike Nelson and contemporary installation artist.I began to look at his work because I am interested in how to let people interact with my work. Within his work he creates labyrinth style installations where the audience an interact and move through the work. Within my own work I would like to look into creating a scene with the found objects which people can walk around and experience, almost as if they were experiencing a fragment of my journey.

Tony Cragg

I wanted to look at the work of the English Sculptor Toner Cragg because of his use of found materials. Within my own work I want to look at how to change the objects I find in some way for example by painting them and displaying them, trying to change the narrative each piece holds. By looking at the work of both Tony Cragg and Mark Dion I have come up with the idea of placing the painted objects in the environment and photographing them. By doing so making the footprint we leave on the world around us more visible. I like Cragg’s more simple work because allows more interpretation than the  figurative work seen above.


Psychogeography was invented by Marxist theorist Guy Debord, who defines it as “The study of the Precise laws and specific efforts of the geographical environment, consciously organised or not, on the emotions and behaviors of individuals. This basically means looking at the effect of the environment of peoples behaviors and feelings. This is something which I think is important in my own work as I’m looking out my own journey to university in particular and how to document as much as possible which I think should include my own emotional responses to certain places or things along my journey.

after looking into Psychogeography and the concept of Derive  I think it could be an interesting way of documenting my journey and possibly help me when categorising the object I have found. This has also given me another outlet for artist research, helping me branch out with the artists I’m looking at.


Drawing from found Objects

These are some initial sketches of the objects I have found on my journey. I want to explore many different options of documenting the objects I’ve found, drawing being the first thing I’ve tried. I then began to measure the objects and write details about each piece creating a thorough investigation into each object.To go further with this I would like to explore other options of documentation.

Mark Dion

Mark Dion is an American sculptor and installation artist who uses his interests in ecology zoology and archaeology to create his work with a main focus on nature. I became drawn to his work because of the way he displays his work.

Initially in my own work I began to collect various objects from my journeys around Cardiff, which lead me to the discovery of mark Dion especially the Thames dig Piece as I’m interested in ways in which I could document my own journey through the objects that people have left behind and also look at the impact we have on the world around us.

From looking at Dion’s work I would like to document my findings more thoroughly to create a directory of everything I’ve found. The way he displays his work is really important too and something I need to think about when exhibiting my work.

Cornelia Parker

Cornelia Parker is an English sculptor and installation Artist. Im especially interested in the work “Thirty pieces of silver which was made by going over the silver objects with a steam roller. I began to look at her work because of the way she interacts with ready made objects and how I could try and change the objects I have found on my journeys to try and alter the meaning of the objects.

Found Objects

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these are the objects I have collected from my journey to and from University. So far i have found a wide variety of things including clothing, bottles, glass etc. To go along with the objects i have record the time and date and have began to document them in others ways, by drawing them measuring noting on the colour, material and possible use. these objeccts will be the starting point of my work and will help me push my idea forward.